What can I expect when I come?​
You can expect to be greeted as a welcome guest when you come to Church of the Transfiguration (COTT). Our congregation truly believes in seeing Christ in all people and extending hospitality to all who come.
We know worship in the Episcopal Church can be challenging for those who are new to it so we try to make our worship easy to follow with our comprehensive bulletin. Don't worry if it feels a little awkward at first -- we've all been new to this at some point in our lives! It is fine to just let us carry you in worship and participate as you feel comfortable.
Do I need to dress up?
Here at COTT we maintain a casual atmosphere despite our traditional worship style. if you want to dress up, do. If you want to come dressed casually, that is fine too. After all, Jesus wore a toga and sandals, so if he could dress casual so can his friends.
My kids are kind of wiggly. Will I get a dirty look if they get fussy?
No way! Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me." God put the wiggle in your kids and it's okay if they make a little noise.
Children are natural mystics. That is probably why Jesus told us we had to become like children to enter the Kingdom of God. Because of this, children are welcome and encouraged to be at the service with us because this is how they learn to 'do liturgy."
We do know that parents sometimes need a little break and offer a short educational session with our Sunday School teachers during the sermon. The children rejoin the congregation at announcements and for the Eucharist. Additionally, we have a 'crying' room where you may comfort your child while having a view of the progress of the service.
Where do I park?
When you arrive, park on our water absorbing lot next to Memorial Hall or on our paved lot next to the church building. Either lot is fine and park where you please. We have handicap spaces clearly marked close to the doors. Enter the church lot directly from Maryland Avenue and off Urner for Memorial Hall.
I'm divorced. Can I receive the Sacraments?
Yes, the Episcopal Church welcomes all baptized Christians to receive the sacraments. We believe people who marry have every intention of being together "until death do us part." But we also know our human frailties and how hard living into vows can be. We know there are many reasons marriages break down and very good reasons they must end for healing to occur. Being divorced is no reason for the Church to separate you from the grace received in the Sacraments - in fact, it is a time when you need that grace even more! We welcome you to receive the Eucharist here!
I'm gay. Do you welcome same-sex couples?
Yes, we do! We are an affirming parish in the Diocese of Maryland and believe in God's belovedness of our LGBTQ family. You are welcome here!
I'm not so sure I believe in God, let alone Jesus. Is that OK?
Absolutely! COTT welcomes all no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Come and participate to the extent you feel comfortable. We have a saying in the Episcopal Church: All may, some should, none must. That means all are invited to participate, some really should as the Spirit moves them, but no one must. There's a relaxed welcome and no pressure here.